Purchasing Travel Insurance is always a good idea— whether we are in the midst of a global pandemic or not. Life has been known to throw us a curveball or two, but Travel Insurance helps to protect your vacation and your hard-earned cash from unexpected interruptions.
Here's What You Should Know About Travel Insurance:
What is 'Travel Insurance' Anyway?
Travel Insurance is an optional fee added into your reservation total. If needed, it allows you to cancel your reservation at any time leading up to, or during your stay, for a 100% refund, as long as the reason for the cancellation meets one of the covered cancellation criteria. Trip delays and trip interruptions that impact just a portion of your stay are also covered in the same way. Additional protection built into the Travel Insurance include: accidental injury payouts, baggage delay payouts if traveling by plane, coverage of emergency medical expenses during your vacation, emergency evacuation coverage, reparation of remains, and more. If you are interested in the full coverage details of any of these, please see the full coverage PDF at the bottom of this page.
How Much Does it Cost?
Travel Insurance can be added to any reservation for 7% of the reservation total. This fee is not refundable, regardless of whether or not the insurance has to be used or not.
Can I Cancel For Any Reason?
Most legitimate reasons why you might want to cancel your trip are covered. Please note that documentation may be required in submitting a claim for cancellation reimbursement. Common covered cancellation reasons include sickness and injury, death of a loved one, travel delays, loss of employment, and more.
What Kind of Cancellations Would Be Covered?
Here are an example of some of the covered reasons for cancellation: *Your Sickness, Accidental Injury or death, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip; *Sickness, Accidental Injury; or death of a Family Member or Traveling Companion, booked to travel with You, that results in medically imposed restrictions as certified by a Physician preventing that person’s participation in the Trip; *Sickness, Accidental Injury or death of a non-traveling Family Member; *You or a Traveling Companion being hijacked, *Quarantined, *required to serve on a jury, * subpoenaed, or the victim of felonious assault within ten (10) days of departure; * Having Your principal place of residence made Uninhabitable by fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane, or other natural disaster; * Burglary of Your principal place of residence within ten (10) days of departure; * You or a Traveling Companion being directly involved in a traffic accident substantiated by a police report, while en route to departure; * You or a Traveling Companion has a transfer of employment of two hundred fifty (250) miles or more; *If within ten (10) days of Your departure, a politically motivated Terrorist Attack occurs within a fifty (50) mile radius of the territorial city limits of the foreign city to be visited by the program for which You have registered and if the United States Government issues a travel warning indicating that Americans should not travel to a city named on the itinerary; * Strike that causes complete cessation of services for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours; * Weather at the departure site that causes complete cessation of services of the Common Carrier for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours and prevents You from reaching Your destination; +Weather that causes complete cessation of services for at least forty-eight (48) consecutive hours or Yourdestination is rendered Uninhabitable on the Scheduled Departure Date by a natural disaster (such as hurricane); *After two (2) years of continuous employment at the same company, You are terminated or laid-off, from full time employment by that company within 30 days of the date of Your Trip; *Natural disaster at the site of Your destination that renders Your destination accommodations Uninhabitable; *You or a Traveling Companion is delayed or has arrangements cancelled by a Common Carrier due to delays resulting from Inclement Weather, mechanical breakdown, or organized labor Strikes that affect public transportation; *Your arrival on the Trip being delayed due to a Hazard that causes You to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration; *You or a Traveling Companion being required to work during the Trip; * You or a Traveling Companion’s company being made unsuitable for business by fire, flood, burglary, vandalism or other natural disaster and You or a Traveling Companion is responsible for policy and decision making with the company and is directly involved as a member of the disaster recovery team; *You or a Traveling Companion’s company being directly involved in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall or Bankruptcy proceedings; * You or a Traveling Companion has a previously approved military leave revoked or experience a military reassignment; * The primary or secondary school where You and/or a Traveling Companion(s) or You or a Traveling Companion’s Dependent Children attend must extend operating session beyond the pre-defined school year, and interferes with Your scheduled Trip dates; * Mandatory evacuation (or public official evacuation advisements where there is no mandatory evacuation) issued by local government authorities at Your Trip destination due to hurricane or other natural disaster; * Death of Your cat or dog that occurs within seven (7) days prior to Your Trip Scheduled Departure Date as certified by a Veterinarian at the time of Loss preventing Your participation in the Trip; *The unit remains Uninhabitable within seven (7) days immediately prior to and including Your scheduled arrival date from the date of documented fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane, or other natural disaster; * The unit on Your scheduled arrival date or during the course of Your Trip becomes inaccessible for forty-eight (48) consecutive hours at the direction of local authorities due to closure of local roadways or local municipality as a result of fire, flood, volcano, earthquake hurricane or other natural disaster; * A closed roadway causing cessation of travel for You and/or a Traveling Companion for at least six (6) consecutive hours to or from Your Trip destination (substantiated by the Department of Transportation, state police, etc.).
How Do I Submit a Claim?
In the event that you must cancel, all claims must be made through the claims policy process outlined in the Travel Insurance policy itself. Our company is not involved in the processing or administration of the benefits of Travel Insurance. Claims must be submitted directly through Rental Guardian (who is providing the insurance). Once purchased, coverage details, including a contact number for the insurance agency, will be provided to you. Insurance Provider: Rental Guardian Phone: (833) 425-5099 Website: https://rentalguardian.com Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm EST
Are Covid Related Cancellations Covered?
If you, or a traveling companion, test positive, or are exposed to Covid-19, this would constitute a covered reason for cancellation. Both verified sickness and quarantine due to possible exposure are both covered. Your entire group may cancel for a full refund if even one person in the travel party is effected. Covid-related cancellation that are not covered include: local business/event cancellation and closure due to the virus, government travel mandates, travel bans, and fear of travel. (In the event of a total government mandate/travel ban, Red Barn Vacations will work with your directly to move your travel dates as best as we are able)
Does Red Barn Vacations Offer This Travel Insurance Directly?
While we love when our guests to purchase Travel Insurance and are here to answer any questions you may have about it, this insurance is actually offered through a third-party insurance provider: Rental Guardian. Red Barn Vacations is not involved in approving claims or making payouts.
I'm Sold! How Do I Add Travel Insurance For My Stay?
Great! Visit https://redbarnvacations.rentalguardian.com/ directly to add this to your stay!

Coverage Details from Travel Guardian